Good news for Castleford in LDF too! : Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:18 pm
It looks like there was some good news in the LDF inspectors report for Castleford that needs reporting as well.The Cas Tigers Wheldon Road site (N101) is still allocated to provide 105 houses in the housing plan tables, but representatives for Cas Tigers, Nestle & C6 (former Hicksons site) presented a successful case to have this following inserted in the LDF to provide flexibility to all special policy areas, with all these sites falling into the wider SPA N9.
91. The SPAs are substantial areas allocated for mixed-use development intended
to meet a significant proportion of the District’s housing and employment land
requirements, supported by ancillary or complementary uses. For clarity and
to provide necessary flexibility, (MM41) amends paragraph 8.2 of the Sites
Plan to inform that such ancillary or complementary uses could include the
provision of neighbourhood or district centres to accommodate ancillary retail,
leisure, education and community uses.
This would mean that a retail application in any part of SPA N9 would not be in direct contravention of the plan and would be given due planning consideration within the SPA.