Feisal Nahaboo : Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:58 am
I am just curious as to the intentions of Feisal with regards to rugby league. I know he had dealings with Halifax before he had anything to do with us, and then he was involved at Wigan. Now it appears he has joined the Featherstone Rovers Strategic Management Board with a view to getting the flat cappers promoted to Super League. I seem to remember that the last official word was that he was taking a back seat at Cas because he had personal and work commitments that he needed to deal with first. I don't see how rugby league could benefit his business unless he is providing Wigan with professional advice on fitting in players under the salary cap. I suspect he wanted more of a major role at Cas and was rebuffed by the board but I don't really know. Ever since his gesture of flying Vowles over from Australia, we don't seem to have heard that much from him.