chissitt wrote:
The tax situation at Wakey be what it may is not funny at all, and neither is the situation at Cas regarding the fines' incured by your club over the embarassment caused by certain so called fans which unlike yourself regarding Wakey I do not find your predicament at Cas as funny and will say no more about it.
Its not my problem really, but in years to come when all your mates have got decent jobs, you will look back on this period of time and wished you had taken more notice of your teachers at school do yourself a favour and stick to reading comics instead of the posts on here, I could say you are out of your depth on here but in truth you'd be out of your depth in a playground puddle
Funny! the situation over fine's is laughable kids Throwing empty plasic bottles! Homophobic chanting (both of which are wrong) but let get real worse things have happened at games which the RFL done sod all about. As for jobs its not about the money, Job satisfaction (paying taxes on time
) as i always look on the bright side of life, but dont worry their is a bit in that song for future of the wildcats, so my advice to you my friend is always look on the bright side of death Just before you draw your terminal breath