At 24-4 we were coasting. Everyone in the ground (at least the general feel anyway) was that Cas had this in the bag. The players felt it, the fans felt it probably only Kear and the Wakey team still hadn't given up. At this point it should have been game over but we all know it wasn't. One person in the ground that I know of, apart from myself already predicted that Cas were about to collapse. My little lad said to me at 24-4, "dad, this is just like Quins again!". Yes this was before we'd started to let in tries. This was before Wakey had started their comeback. I don't know what is worse about our defeat. The way we lost a 20 point lead, the team we lost it to or the fact that no one on or off the pitch for Cas did anything about it.
My son for coach, he's 10!