Will Brexit Be Blamed For Any Coming Economic Crisis? : Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:09 pm
The global financial system is just a giant ponzi scheme that should have collapsed in 2008 but the global elites persuaded governments around the world to bail out the failing banking system, with austerity imposed on the masses to pay for it.They preach capitalism yet when the banksters run into trouble they are bailed out by Government, showing total hypocrisy and avoiding the rules they impose on others.
However all the bailouts did was delay the inevitable. The (mainly western) world is drowning in unpayable debts as Greece know to their cost. The system will eventually fall like a house of cards. I thought Greece would be the trigger but now it could well be Brexit (although the Italian banking system is on the verge of collapse and Deutsche Bank has been rated the biggest threat to the financial system by the IMF.)
With this in mind will the millions of working class Brexit voters become the fall guys, blamed for any collapse and castigated for the crimes of the financial elites who flooded the world with toxic debts?