as he signed for u on dual reg, if so u should be glad, would be very good in championship!! tons of speed for a prop and his offloading game is immense
he has gone on dual with you so it seems . if so you have a good young prop to throw into your team. Shouldn't be long before he breaks through to 1st team at wakey
tony is towin with his knee at the mo but is hoping to be back for the fax game. T'only prob wi these knee jobbies, you never really know just how complex they are until you get in there n have a look!!!
Been brought in to play in the back row as far as i know, the thing about ben is that he has a great pair of hands and could quite easily adapt to the loose forward role in a few years......also a good goal kicker aswell
nowt on the official site. Nowt in the press. lots of whispers but nowt of any substance - YET! Afoore I get carried away, I'll hang me hat on this one until I hear if from on o' the usual suspects!! Lol!!