Quote Jake the Peg="Jake the Peg" Don't try and convince yourself that people brought up in the same streets, often in the same houses, have any different outlook on things'"
Obviously there's no intrinsic difference, but I think just in terms of rugby, experiences can shape attitudes. There are a few broad but fair generalisations that could be made about the fans that use this board, IMO - Hull fans [utypically[/u took more interest in their academy team in the last couple of years than Rovers fans did in theirs, for example. More than the first team, it felt like sometimes. There was a quip a while ago, from a Hull fan, about Rovers fans always living in the past, and Hull fans always living in the future that had some truth to it, i thought.
Something like focus on the academy is very much current circumstance, but stuff that runs a bit deeper - a prolonged period out of the top flight or a run of disappointing seasons or a particular consolation to cling to, I think inevitably influences perspectives.
Again, speaking generally I found fans of City and United often lived up to their stereotypes when I lived in Manchester. Certainly not always, and I'll have been biased by what I expected to see, but it was there.