So, all of a sudden, Kris Welham with his 100 tries in 189 super league games isn't good enough for rovers? As it stands in 2016 we'll have Thornley (replacing Goulding), Minns (replacing Welham) and Salter fighting for the centre positions. I reckon that makes us weaker in the centres at the start of 2016 than we were in 2015 and we only managed to finish 10th this year! Unless, of course, we've got another top centre lined up but with our overseas quota full, which British centre could we realistically get to improve on 2015 squad? Starting to get a bit worried about our recruitment strategy. We also need major additions to the pack if we're aiming to go from 10th to 6th next year. Can't see where the better players to improve us will come from.