hull2524 wrote:
Don't worry peacocks got a 5 year plan don't you know
From what saw of the forum, I thought Peacock spoke very well and put a bit of flesh on the bones of the 5YP.
He's clearly determined that come Hell or high water, we're going to break the cycle of short-termism and put some firmer, more rigid structures in place.
And that's great, but every choice is a sacrifice. If we're going to be less flexible, stay out the loan market, have a medium- to long-term focus in recruitment and retention, then that carries risks. Everything carries risks, so again that is fine - but I think they need to be acknowledged.
He challenged a guy as to why playing 'kids' could or would see us relegated. The risk is (obviously) that playing inexperienced players, in a team that really can't afford to carry anything even vaguely resembling a passenger, might mean we're simply not good enough this year. And the outcome of this year will clearly impact on the plan.
Knowing that we, as fans, can choose to buy in or not. Despite my reservations, I am. We've just got to survive this and then
maybe, the plan will bear fruit. I just about prefer that to the old model - though ask me again in October, and I might have changed my mind.