Those out of contract at the end of 2023
Adam Swift, Danny Houghton, Chris Satae, Andre Savelio, Brad Fash, Joe Lovodua, Joe Cator, Kane Evans, Cam Scott (one-year option), Ben McNamara, Connor Wynne (one-year option), Mitieli Vulikijapani (one-year option), Josh Griffin, Denive Balmforth, Jamie Shaul, Scott Taylor, Brad Dwyer, Kye Armstrong, Jude Ferreira.
of those I keep only
Fash Cator Balmforth Armstrong and Jude F
bin the 15 others as they are totally
part of a massive culture issue
Also Lane and Griffin to go Asap
it’s the only way to root out the culture problem
these players are nice guys but totally weak under belly’s
when shoite hits the fan they go missing
this must be ruthless