Of what? If bitter, in 1985 Bongser was working as a potboy at The Woolpack in Leigh Bus Station and Tetley was 80p a pint. Remember being in a girlfriend's house when in my 3rd or 4th year at the RNCM when a television news item announced that Tetley had gone up to £1. That would have been ca '88 or '89.
Whilst working for Welsh National Opera in '92/3, got a call from Bro to tell me that Joseph Holts Best Bitter was a hitting a quid the following day. Immediately got a train from Cardiff Canalog to Manc Picc and a bus to Astley where, in the Cart & Horses, joined 'the lads' to sup the last 'pence only' pints. A false economy, yes, but only just - we supped the pub dry!!!