One has funding and the full backing of the council. The other has the same moral backing of the council and huge funding gaps. And on the basis land was only guaranteed today I could rationally speculate the Cas project is by no means as advanced as some think/hope.
TBH I hope Cas can move forward with the funding because I would like to see this race really begin when we both have trucks on the ground.
However if you look at the life span of both bids not a sole could deny that only 1 bid has any real pace or tbf "drive" about it, as frankly the other has been plodding along for the best part of a decade and has only today sorted something which should have been in place WAY before you applied for planning permission in 2007!
If Cas don't pick up the pace I can easily see their application expiring in November. IMO it's time for RW to pass the "funding dilemma" over to their supporters club and fans, be honest, tell them the gap and let them attempt to raise some money. I don't know how RW can talk smack about Wakefield with the poor record of development on this front. Let people who care have a go baldy!!
Anyways Cas rant over. Get your house in order, Rodney's on his way to the start line... You limber Richard?