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| Ted did what he could with in his ability for Wakefield Trinity Wildcats. Its a crying shame he became a victim of the recession, and he left a club which he loved with all his heart in an undignified way he deserved a better exit. Should the Newmarket development be successful it would be quite fitting if the ban from attending any games were lifted for him and Teds family.
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| Ted caused most of the issues himself by not paying up the bills that were due. He then sold the ground =#FF0000EDIT: Please don't make comments of this nature that you can't substantiate. RR Yes I think we have loads to thank him for. He did find yorkcourt and nm as this was his way out for free. As wt didn't have to put anything into a community stadium. It was his last throw of the dice before time caught up with him
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| Quote lad13="lad13"Ted caused most of the issues himself by not paying up the bills that were due. He then sold the ground =#FF0000EDIT. RR. Yes I think we have loads to thank him for. He did find yorkcourt and nm as this was his way out for free. As wt didn't have to put anything into a community stadium. It was his last throw of the dice before time caught up with him'"
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about - ignorant trash picked up through clueless gossip. This level of idiocy is why so many top posters no longer bother posting - what's the point. 
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| Seeing as I was one of the folk he didnt pay then I think I deserve my view!!
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| Quote lad13="lad13"Seeing as I was one of the folk he didnt pay then I think I deserve my view!!'"
Really, anyone could say that so forgive me if I'm not impressed. A viewpoint is not the same as a rant, yours is a rant with nothing in the way of fact to back it up.
The fact assuming it is fact that you were not paid does not give you the right to make stuff up and you are clearly giving a version of events that for the most part is not true.
Just as an aside why pinpoint Teds use of relatives in certain positions within the club. As a business man (I assume you are self employed) isn't it the case that most people start their businesses in the hope of giving their off spring a future. Ted owned WTRLFC, it was part of his business portfolio - as such he was entitled to employ whom ever he wished so why is it even an issue - he was after all paying them with his own money from one of his own companies. This particular charged leveled at Ted is so flawed it's ludicrous. Never given a job to one of your own or got one - bet the answer is no but the truth is yes.
Now move on and leave the past alone and if you must rake it up expect to be corrected if you are wrong.
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| I'm still out of pocket having done work for ted. You perhaps are ted and if so can I have my money for the joinery work I did? You have a point about giving family a job but at the detriment of running a business then it's a defo no. Say I make 100k a year and my overheads and running costs are 80k then perhaps giving a son or daughter a job in my shop for 70k a year is not such a good idea in the long run. Perhaps the use of calculator would have helped? Oh I forgot ted has a special bank of Ireland one he got withe the mortgage. Silly me
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| Quote lad13="lad13"I'm still out of pocket having done work for ted. You perhaps are ted and if so can I have my money for the joinery work I did? You have a point about giving family a job but at the detriment of running a business then it's a defo no. Say I make 100k a year and my overheads and running costs are 80k then perhaps giving a son or daughter a job in my shop for 70k a year is not such a good idea in the long run. Perhaps the use of calculator would have helped? Oh I forgot ted has a special bank of Ireland one he got withe the mortgage. Silly me'"
I can see why you would be a little bitter if you were owed money which you did not get but that doesn't detract from the fact that some of what you have written could be considered libellous and could see you owing Ted money rather than the other way around.
Tread carefully!
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| Back on topic;
Quote @jameselston21="@jameselston21"Letter produced from yorkcourt confirming the complete delivery of the community stadium on the granting of planning!! #fully funded stadium'"
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| Quote Khlav Kalash="Khlav Kalash"Back on topic;
No no no, the Cas fans say it can't be true. There is no funding in place. Yorkcourt are wrong and are pulling the wool over everyones eyes and the stadium will never be built. It only about getting the warehousing built.
Apologies but i'm sick of people, on both sides, who have no idea what is going on, making out the know the whole story. Yorkcourt have done the figures and they stack up. They are not going to do this for nothing and the written legal agreement is that the stadium is built first. Why is that so difficult for some people to understand? The only thing that is preventing this happening is the outcome of the inquiry and there is a compelling argument as to why it should commence. That is not to say it is a foregone conclusion that it will happen, far from it. But the argument is a strong one and the benefits outweigh the argument against it. But there is always a twist in the tail and it will be interesting to see how things pan out over the next couple of weeks. My advice is stop summising and stop the my Dad is bigger than yours act on all the boards and let the people who can influence this do their thing.
Can't we talk about rugby or something?
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| Quote Fordy="Fordy"I can see why you would be a little bitter if you were owed money which you did not get but that doesn't detract from the fact that[u some of what you have written could be considered libellous [/uand could see you owing Ted money rather than the other way around.
Tread carefully!'"
Correct. You also place the site at risk of legal action. There's a difference between posting something as opinion and posting something as fact.
Anyway, back to the PI.
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| Quote sixtogo="sixtogo"No no no, the Cas fans say it can't be true. There is no funding in place. Yorkcourt are wrong and are pulling the wool over everyones eyes and the stadium will never be built. It only about getting the warehousing built.
Apologies but i'm sick of people, on both sides, who have no idea what is going on, making out the know the whole story. Yorkcourt have done the figures and they stack up. They are not going to do this for nothing and the written legal agreement is that the stadium is built first. Why is that so difficult for some people to understand? The only thing that is preventing this happening is the outcome of the inquiry and there is a compelling argument as to why it should commence. That is not to say it is a foregone conclusion that it will happen, far from it. But the argument is a strong one and the benefits outweigh the argument against it. But there is always a twist in the tail and it will be interesting to see how things pan out over the next couple of weeks. My advice is stop summising and stop the my Dad is bigger than yours act on all the boards and let the people who can influence this do their thing.
Can't we talk about rugby or something?'"
How big is your dad then 
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| I think my Dad is bigger than his dad!