The post I make here is not necessarily in support of those who ran PIRAG, more in support of the concept of an independent supporters group.
It's disappointing that people like Pickled Onion make posts based on assumptions rather than facts - why not back up your theories with some figures?
Quote jump on the back of anythingPickled Onion wrote: PRAG - a complete joke! , should have just left it to Squad Builder to raise funds ( Looks like PRAG is dragging down Squad Builder as well now)'"
Please show evidence to the part in bold text. Show: facts, figures, pounds shillings and pence, complete with dates when money raised by PIRAG was at the expense of squad builder. You will also need to show variables caused by the recession and the performance of the team and will need to consider that the membersip fee of £10 was a one off and not a regular donation like squad builder.
Quote jump on the back of anything1:Squad builder did so well in previous years'"
As above
Quote jump on the back of anything2: PARG didnt work so why try jumping on the back of something that does and joining in with them only to make people not trust Squad Builder.'"
I don't think PIRAG were trying to "jump on the back of anything".
Quote jump on the back of anything3: There is money floating in PRAG???? STILL NO ONE AS THE ANSWERS TO WHERE THIS MONEY IS OR WHO AS ACCESS TO THIS MONEY .'"
Quote jump on the back of anything4:SIMPLE HAND IT TO SQAUD BUILDER AND HAVE DONE WITH IT (this is becoming very embarrasing)
I am not trying to be rude but unless you are a member of PIRAG it's none of your business.
IMHO the idea behind PIRAG was sound and done for the right reasons, but the type of fans who once would have supported this have been alienated by past administrations at the club. It would take a monumental shift in policy for the new management of the club to get this type of fan back on board again. I realise it's not the fault of the new board but unfortunately it's what they have inherited from the past regime.
Question for Pickled Onion:
I'll repeat what I wrote on another thread: According to the Leigh board, during its life, LISA (the Leigh Independent Supporters Association) have raised over £350,000 for Leigh. Shouting mode on [size=150CAN THIS CLUB AFFORD TO IGNORE THIS TYPE OF MONEY EARNING POTENTIAL?????[/size Shouting mode off.
It just gets really annoying when people shoot from the hip based on rumour and without any facts to back up what they say.
Incidentally, the wife and I donate to squad builder too and this post is in no way, shape or form a dig at the great job they do.