Stay away fans are killing our club , and also putting more pressure on AT with that extra income not coming through the gates . I try and make it to every home game that I can , mainly down to work and the fact that for the last 2 years I have had to work more sundays than I've actually had off. That's about to change , as from July I will have worked my notice and won't have to work Sundays anymore ( HAPPY DAYS
). This would of happened much sooner but for being fobbed off and being made false promises about sundays off.
The club on the whole if they were allowed to have more in the running of things , i.e. Concourse bars and food outlets and also a main Supporters bar with decent prices , maybe then the revenue would be a little better having all those things generating money back into the club . Big differences from Hilton Park is , fans used to stay in the bar after the game and maybe for 2 or 3 drinks and also in a family environment where they felt welcome . Compare that to the LSV where fans meet elsewhere before the game , and also after the game when fans go elsewhere spending money in other clubs and pubs that could be extra revenue coming back into the clubs pockets if only fans were made to feel welcome in staying after the game. That said , if the club had no choice in the matter then that blame can only lie at the door of the LSV.
AT has funded our Club for years now , and longer than some people think . Totally agree with trying to get more supporters back , but the alarming thing is , that if the stay away fans that were keeping away when we weren't doing the buisness on the field are not slowly returning to see us playing some great rugby league at the moment then I don't know what will get them back through the turnstyles . Maybe tough times ahead for us and no one could blame AT for feeling like he's been doing this for a while now