: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:53 pm
FuturoChampioni wrote:
As mentioned countless times, this is a Global Recession with it very difficult to blame any particular country, although America appear to be mainly to blame due to poor financial sector regulation. As i said on National TV, Gordon Brown is leading the world out of recession, his policies are being adopted all around the world. Also, many figures this month indicate recovery and i am very optimistic that by Election Day 2010 - Labour will have steadied the economy.
We will not be out of this for about 2 to 3 years min. The country in effectivley bankrupt and the only solution is to borrow more money to generate a false economy. Now in the short term this will work , we will borrow more and spend more but eventually this will run out again.
The only way is to invest in manufacturing and infrastructure re-setting all our expectations on salary and conditions.
Not many of the smart countries are supporting the UK plan and investing and supporting their manufacturing base and effectivley riding the storm.
Fundamentally Labour has created a society of get up and do nothing and get paid for it.
If the Tories get in the only way forward for them is to cut the rediculous public sector waste and spending which unfortunately will create higher unemloyment and unrest . The Lib dem's will tax us more
There is a real dilema for any party in the future , Labours plan is to apply for the last credit card and max it up .
I am not an expert and was happy to spend and borrow over the last few years. Now I have battenend down the hatches and paying it off as soon as possible , in 12 months time I will only have the mortage to my name and will start to make inroads into that while I still have a job and make do with the car i usually change when the loan is paid off for example.
I am not helping the economy in any way as any extra cash I have at the end of the month is going into reducing my personal debt from now on. Problem is everybody else is trying to do the same , and I know many who are in a far worse position than me at the moment and feel for them through no fault of their own.
To sum it up the only way out is to borrow less, spend less , take the hit and eventually it will improve but this will take years and many people will get effected over this time.
As for my political views I have a real problem here as I do not think that Labour will pull us out of this situation , the Tories make sense but I remember the dark years of the 80's and early 90's , the lib dems I like but not into their taxation policies especially and local level , however I say to everybody if you don't vote you cannot have a say after the event.