: Fri Apr 24, 2009 9:36 pm
The fact so many are still going to vote Labour scares me.
Soft on Crime
Billions in Debt (not solely america fault)
More sleaze than the Tories (never would've believed that)
Gave up the rebate for the purpose of getting a better deal on agricultural policy. (outcome: gave up rebate- agricultural policy does not change, well done Tony)
More powers given to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels by the 'supposed' anti european Labour.
Poor people getting poorer, rich people getting richer
Americas' little lap dog
Iraq/Afghanistan and the unnecessary waste of life of British soldiers
Red tape/bureaucracy increased. Plastic Police, Ridiculous Health and Safety policies. The criminals right act sorry i mean human rights act.
i could go on given time
All because you think voting Labour is a vote away from the Tories.
Here's a thought, vote for another party NOT LABOUR, NOT TORY.
another term of Labour will be the final nail in the coffin for this country