: Sun May 31, 2009 1:40 pm
Hicksy wrote:
Hull fans are the Scum of RL. They may be the loudest. But not the best fans in the league. Wern't you at HJ when they were cheering and laughing through the minute silence of Margaret (Wolfware). Not to menshion a bloke behind stabbed, a hit and run and chanting 'We will have you outside'. Didnt you notice the Riot and Police vans outside they have that every home game.
1. The 'cheering and laughing' through the minutes silence was due to the fact that our fans couldn't hear the announcement, as soon as they realised they stopped.
2. We don't have riot vans at every home game.
Thanks to everyone else for the positive comments, both our clubs have come in for some bad press in the past, it was nice to see the fans mixing coming out of the ground yesterday.
Well done on your win, it was a fantastic game.