Big Graeme wrote:
You were the one getting nasty my friend.
See there you go again making assumptions.
How many tri-nations and world cup games have we had in this country? How many played at either of the two football stadiums in Manchester? As I said plenty of chances for them to have RL there if they wanted it.
You are the one wanting to move it and in case you've not being paying attention we've had some pretty bad floods around that time of year.
Eh? If you buy a season ticket for a club are you counted once or every time you attend?
No idea, ask the RFL, though I've no idea how you find out how many bought a ticket for one day but stayed overnight either.
Ah, you see I thought you meant bring the event back home, why does RL need another event in the "heartlands" there are enough reasons to hold events every weekend during the season, it is up to the clubs to make them special, in fact one club did but they got nothing but flack for doing it so how can they win?
In case you weren't aware, Sky gives wall to wall coverage of these and so does the newspapers, you'd be failing on one of the key factors of a big event like this if you discounted those factors.
Have you been to one of these events? Have you thought about why it is not idea to have a full house?
Someone has already stated why CoM wouldn't be interested, I would think there are other stadiums that would be interested in staging a one off game where restrictions aren't as tough.
You seem to have the belief that fans are compelled to go, if the don't want to they won't, if they can't afford it they won't go, they have the choice of a great weekend away in a different part of the country with my way, your way strips them of that choice.
Now about that account you said this one would go the same way as............
What assumptions?
What is the RFL's strategy for internationals? Has the RFL approached MCC to use the ground, and in case you missed the obvious, it is during the football season when the Tri/Four Nations was/is played.
Floods like Murrayfield before the CC you mean??
Unless you break down the make up of the 52,000 how can you determine the value of the event in spend terms for the economy and therefore whatever you and others say was paid to host it?
Which newspapers give wall to wall coverage? I'd be intrigued to learn this. Would Sky not give the same if the event were in Manchester?
Why is it not good to have a full house?
So about your pitch argument.............and where has it been said that Man City don't want RL played there in the football off season?
Which stadiums and what tough restrictions?
Manchester is a great city for a night out and has loads to offer. Why wouldn't fans from other clubs want to travel there? Grand Final brings them in, so a carnival weekend of RL involving schools, amateur clubs, championship fans and SL fans would have them flocking along.
You seem to be completely sidestepping the issue of the real lack of RL played right in the heartland areas, as I have pointed out to you more than once. Isn't one of the main reasons for the weekend the development of the game? Well how about taking care of the roots instead of the branches for once? The game at school and amateur level in the North West is struggling badly, as are many clubs outside SL.
How many clubs are there of any level in Manchester, a major UK city? Salford has very few. Bolton Tameside, Bury, Stockport and so on.
Have it in the heartlands for a couple of years, breathe some life back into the sport, then look at taking it on the road again, whether in the same format or in a new guise.