Quote PaulCam1972="PaulCam1972"I'm here for you're Locke comment... I slated MK for his treatment towards Locke on social media from start to finish and that still stands... Just because KL has lost the tribunal does not mean that MK told the truth, and it certainly does not excuse MK's social outburst and witch hunt of the young man, regardless of his recent off field troubles'"
I would guess that Dr Koukash suffers far more on social media than Kevin Locke has or ever will do.
Kevin Locke made scurrilous allegations about Marwan Koukash which necessitated a press conference to rebut.
The state of mind of Locke has to be questioned when he,in a best case scenario,endangered himself by getting into a car driven by a drunken driver and not only that,endangered the pulchritude of Ms Pitman,by allowing her to accompany him.
To credit Tim Smith,he left Salford without complaint - Hock left under strange circumstances.Chase has apparently wanted to leave since June and Theo appears to have a club lined up that may be unwilling to pay a transfer fee so opted for the tribunal option.
If anybody out there wants to prove to me that Dr K is the worst ogre on 2 legs,please do so.
Details of his naughtiness on social media to Kevin Locke would do,for a start.It'll have to be better than discrediting a man who surrounds himself with the great and good in rich society and who has children of school attending age who may have been subject to bullying if unfortunate enough to attend a school where the pupils/parents are followers of rugby league.