The point is that one Green first arrived and we had those big fan meetings - there was one at Cedar Court where I ended up in the overflow due to the huge numbers, for example - there was a lot of stuff from him about 'I'm as honest as the day is long' and 'You'll find me a pretty straight kinda guy' (It's from memory but I
think they are word-for-word quotes)
Now, I know a lot has changed since then, but you really can't ride into a club and make those kind of statements, and
not have people reminding him that he said those things if he then chooses to go completely silent and say absolutely nothing for months on end.
I don't exactly know what kind of 'statement' Marc Green could or can make right now, or what he could do to assuage the fears. But somehow he needs to do something to rebuild trust with a whole section of the fans who appear to be losing faith with the club.
In a few days we'll be hearing about the season ticket offer. It won't be enough to just rehash the line about 'if you want a Super League Quality Squad then you have to be willing to pay for it'. He fed us that line for the last two years, and we've got steadily worse!
He's got to do a bit more than that to get me buying a season ticket again, I'm afraid! It's a case of twice bitten, thrice shy...