Red Hall are you Interested!! : Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:09 pm
I wander if the goings on at Castleford have been discussed at Red Hall?Over the past two seasons the plight of some of our Iconic/Famous Rugby Teams has been well documented and Red Hall have either come to the rescue or the clubs have gone into administration.
All this happened after clubs have submitted succesfull applications to the league for a place in Superleague.
Now Castlefords situation / plight is coming out into the open so I ask TWO questions.
1. Are Red Hall offering advice and Guiidance to Castleford and other clubs that are still in the poop.
2. Have Red Hall got a revised plan for the next round of Franchise.
I have emailed Red Hall with these questions and got NO reply.
Just wandered what peoples thoughts are because these are the questions supporters/officials of the clubs around the bottom of the table should be ought to be asking right now.