Lost Revenue, Paying Millward Off : Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:54 am
My last rant of the day before I go back on the naughty step.Yesterday we were 3500 below our average, although taking into consideration Grand National, lets say we were down 2000, If the trend is continued for the next two home games, assuming The Little Fox is still here. They are against Widnes and Salford, I think we can safely assume the Widnes game will be the same attendance, they bring noone and it is on SKY, so we we be down 2500 (no grand national to contend with). Similarly with Salford we will probably be 2000 down on that one.
That is a loss in attendance of 6500 @ £20 per adult that is £130,000 in lost revenue. I would think that would balance having to pay Millward off. I am sure if we brought in someone like John Kear the attendances would immediately rise, as we all know what JK did with Wakey, he plotted our downfall, and kept Wakey up.