The RFL have got to close the "Administration your franchise back into the black" route.
Nothing personal to Wakey - but the ability to shuffle debt in the boardroom, out of the fire door, down the back stairs - the shuffle some "new money" in to the board room - get some Sky dollars and go again without all that silly debt that was the "other people's" fault racked up is extremely galling.
To see Wakey being loved up by the RFL for their potential stadium etc and the rediculous hole the RFL have put themselves in with Bradford is madness, talk about short memories and gods forbid Bradford pop and they go down the Crusaders route - the RFL own a huge great garden in Bradofrd they have no use for?
This has got to be looked at, becuase otherwise, if I was any club finishing outside the 8 this season, I would use the process as a revenue generator - becuase technically there is a windfall to the Franchise of whatever the current debt-book is. From the Franchise and playing side, if it was planned and didn't leave any players feeling wobbly - there is simply no negative impact outside of this season, when you would only do it if you knew you were missing the 8 anyway - points deduction - pah!
Granted there are some legal impacts to the key players, board wise - but if they are of a stature where future business plans are not that important, then it really does seem attractive.
Perhaps Salford could look at this to support their stadium debt?