8500 was the break even figure given : Fri May 25, 2012 12:31 pm
Earlier in the year RW gave his forecast that Cas needed to average 8500 for each home game in order to break even for this year. According to my figures we've had 7 games at home now and have a rolling average of 7566. Hence as good as 1000 per game below the break even average that was forecast.Ok, it's hard to say how many season tickets haven't been used at any one of these games yet obviously already pre paid, however let's presume that RW had accounted for this in his forecast together with other spend from fans in attendance at the game. On the turnstyles alone with a 50:50 adult to kids split that puts us about £100K behind the break even position already.
Considering that we've already played some of the better attended games at home so far St's, Hull KR, Hull FC, Leeds, Bradford, Wigan (forget about Widnes), I can only see the stats getting worse!! I Certain can't see the likes of Salford, London, Catalan or Huddersfield improving the situation. Which only leaves Wakefield & Warrington.
Added to which there is of course recent form.....can anyone else smell the coffee?..... and a £400K or £500K loss for this season alone coming our way....again?