Andy Wilson of the League Weekly/The Gaurdian : Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:03 am
Difficult one for me in a way as i wasn't in attendance at Salford on Saturday so didnt hear any chants first hand, however several friends were in attendance and aside usual banter and a couple of songs incoporating bad language (not to condone) however not out of the ordinary in all grounds on a weekly basis they saw no bad behaviour to justify us to be singled out.Andy Wilson's comment -
"Although a small minority of the Castleford fans continue to let down the club with their unnecessarily offensive chanting. They really dont seem a very pleasant bunch"
Why does he feel a need to single out Castleford for press coverage ???
Why does he not comment on Salford stewards inability to control the crowd, after all this occured in there ground and is there responsibilty ?
Surely as this is something present at all grounds on a weekly basis he would be better served doing a piece on the RFL's Respect policy and how clubs are supporting/failing it.
Does this go back to previous problems with Garreth Thomas and certain things stick ?
Although not in question here racist chanting in football is on the agenda.
We know racist and homophobic chanting is not acceptable and has legal implications.
I do however remember feeling at the time the Leeds fans singing a certain song to James Graham was not very tastefull/hurtfull also !
I think this singling out is a little unfair to say the least and would like him to explain his comments, so i will ask him !
Does anyone have any comment or enlighten me any more before i do ?