neverdid wrote:
People will pay attention as long as the mods arent doing their jobs and kicking them off the forum, the wakey mods do this even if you are on there telling a few truths lol, but our mods seem scared to take out the trash ................ WHY
How many more times? Do you not think we have better things to do? Perhaps the Wakey mods don't. It's not too much to ask for a little self-restraint from people who are supposed to be adults, it just seems there are very few of them around here at the moment.
If you think we're not doing our jobs properly, it's not something you should be airing in public but either PMing us or complaining to the admins. Maybe you think you could do a better job. If we were to 'kick them off the forum' as you suggest we'd have to be completely consistent, meaning there'd be quite a few Cas fans joining them too; leaving this a very dull and rather stagnant board to say the least.