2011, top 25 stats for season so far : Wed May 25, 2011 11:46 am
According to the Engage Superleague stats so far, this is how our guys feature in the top 25 so far. How do others read this?Stat - Top 25 Pos -Name - Occurences
Tries 15 Youngquest 8
Try Assists 4 Chase 15
Appearances - Nobody
Goals 5 Dixon 54 (79.4% success rate)
Drop Goals 4 Chase 1
Metres 9 Chase 1641
Metres 15 Emmitt 1518
Metres 16 Mathers 1487
Carries 2 Chase 371
Carries 13 Mathers 239
Tackles - Nobody
Offloads 9 Chase 27
Offloads 15 Huby 23
Attacking Kicks 2 Chase 99
Attacking Kicks 15 Orr 50
Runs from Dummy Half 21 Mathers 68
Tackle Busts 3 Chase 55
Tackle Busts 13 Mathers 36
Marker Tackles - Nobody
Clean Breaks 8 Youngquest 10
40/20 Kicks 8 Chase 1
Kicks in general play 3 Chase 138
Kicks in general play 11 Orr 100
Missed Goals 4 Dixon 14
Missed Tackles 5 Chase 38
Errors 18 Chase 17