duke street 10 wrote:
You would think the owners of Xscape would be chuffed to have thousands of potential customers in the area every 2 weeks?.
Money talks in this day and age,hope a comprimise can be sorted quickly
If you read the letter mate they are but the point (as I said on the VT thread linked above) is about dead-time and people not being able to park and use Xscape when the place is half empty for 2 hours + while people go over the bridge. Their car park runs at near capacity for the majority of the weekend already so they don't actual gain anything unless these extra visitors to the game can park somewhere and there is real potential that in actual fact they take more money on nights when a match is NOT on an lose money when there is because people take up space while being off-site for 2 hours blocking other people getting in. You hit the nail on the head - they are only potential customers but if you can't accommodate them, they remain just that - potential!
The planning issue is that they have reduced the number of spaces from the outline approval to current reserved matters. If they hadn't done that Xscape might still object but then it would be a little late to do so! As it is, theirs is a very valid objection that now needs to be dealt with or take the risk on the planners siding with the club/Waystone.