OMG 60 pages of inaccuracies, i thought i would set the record straight but it didn't work lol.
Applying for a full Planning permission is what you do [b]if you don't have outline planning permission[b/], Full planning permission is a combination of outline planning consent and detailed planning consent - with all detailed information submitted in a single application. Full Planning Permission is common where the proposed development is contentious.
Outline planning permission gives an indication of permitted development – footprint and the height of the building, and should include a simple drawing showing the footprint. Outline planning permission is subject to a condition that full planning details(called resevered matters) will need to be approved before building can commence. Building plots for sale can be purchased with outline planning permission.
Hence when people ask where are we with our stadium and people reply we have applied for a full Planning permission it looks like we have no prior consent and it's still all up in the air which is not the case.