buy ????? now you are getting ridiculous...........................and you visiting all those pound shops and wanting change..... if you are to be believed of course
Amber love I am at a bit of a loss here, perhaps you could help me, correct me if I am wrong but should'nt it be an exclamation mark after buy, it could of course be a question mark which I doubt it certainly should not be five of them, and also your full stops you only need one to end the sentence love. There is no need for you to over excite yourself on these matters.
Cannot make head nor tails of the bottom line, what do I want change for? is this some sort of texting slang you young chavs use or have you been supping a couple of alchopops behind the garages with the boys, you dirty little beast
Can we not go back to bitching about Rugby League related matters, remember its that game played with a funny shaped ball on grass, it won't ever catch on but i liked it.
Don't twist or take my words out of context to suit your sorry little trolling arguments with an OP. That was a discussion about the competitive tendering process and programme implications and nothing more. I understand that all the funding streams are in place and secured and the Wakefield College money is of course a well known part of the secured funding package. I speculated that some grant funding, possibly from bodies like Sport England, may or not form part of that package, that is all.
You are so very touchy old lad. if you have difficulty recalling what you wrote revisit your posts. You did say there was grant funding in the overall portfolio and you did say there was money from wakey college. Sorry if your own words offend you
Many funds that public bodies thought were in place prior to the comprehensive spending review are nolonger available. FE and HE have been hit hard and have to think carefully about where they spend the money that remains. Other grant awarding bodies face severe cuts. For example UK sport will have a 28% cut in real terms over the next 4 years. Maybe wakey's funding is immune from the impact of the CSR. Given that some wakey fans castigate Cas over their funding it seems a legitimate point to raise re wakey's 'grants'.
Last edited by Ceejames on Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
my girlfriend says i'm immature, and it's time we set aside one day a week so we can talk things through as adults. like THAT'S gonna happen in the middle of conker season!!
Amber love I am at a bit of a loss here, perhaps you could help me, correct me if I am wrong but should'nt it be an exclamation mark after buy, it could of course be a question mark which I doubt it certainly should not be five of them, and also your full stops you only need one to end the sentence love. There is no need for you to over excite yourself on these matters.
Cannot make head nor tails of the bottom line, what do I want change for? is this some sort of texting slang you young chavs use or have you been supping a couple of alchopops behind the garages with the boys, you dirty little beast
Nice deflection, but it doesnt detract from the spurious claim that you actually bought something .
Nice deflection, but it doesnt detract from the spurious claim that you actually bought something .
Tell us that story again pmsl
So now you are bragging about your deflection, nice one . its okay picking up on peoples mistakes when you are faultless yourself, but to be that you will have to do better at school young lady oh and as for that story you want telling which one would that be, cos I'm full of them
Many funds that public bodies thought were in place prior to the comprehensive spending review are nolonger available. FE and HE have been hit hard and have to think carefully about where they spend the money that remains. Other grant awarding bodies face severe cuts. For example UK sport will have a 28% cut in real terms over the next 4 years. Maybe wakey's funding is immune from the impact of the CSR. Given that some wakey fans castigate Cas over their funding it seems a legitimate pont to raise re wakey's 'grants'.
I have left out the personal bile from the first paragraph aimed at IA, and have also not underlined your obvious sarcasm towards Wakey and also your poor effort at trying to link the Cas fans on here into an arguement vis a vis Wakefield Community Trust Funding, the imformation you have posted is I assume available to the public and that you are not just making it up to make people think you are in the know, if so could you furnish proof of what you are saying and then tell us please just what it has to do with Wakey especially on the Cas board. Thanks in anticipation, oh and btw lass what exactly is a pont
I wouldn't bother reading this bit, there is nothing interesting, witty or insightful down here, just this collection of boring words explaining that you really are wasting your time browsing this signature in the vain and futile hope that there will be a nugget, nay, a veritable goldmine of witticisms or divine philosophy. In reality, all you're going to get is disappointment, a sense of hopelessness and a random word.
Chissitt and Ceejames - Why don't you two just get a room, have some angry sex, get it out of your system and then feck off back to your own respective boards instead of clogging ours up with your incessant tedious ramblings.
That was me - I thought it needed to be more relevant to the discussion. Let's face it, this thread is nearly fit for the bin thanks to Chissitt, Ceejames, Ambernotyeller and a few others; who need to learn to either not troll or not bite (or both) as a primary concern, and then learn HOW TO STAY ON TOPIC.
ParanoidAndroid wrote:
Chissitt and Ceejames - Why don't you two just get a room, have some angry sex, get it out of your system and then feck off back to your own respective boards instead of clogging ours up with your incessant tedious ramblings.
the imformation you have posted is I assume available to the public and that you are not just making it up to make people think you are in the know, if so could you furnish proof of what you are saying
“Sport England described its 33% cut in funding as "significant" and "tough", voicing particular concerns about the 40% reduction in capital funding - cash for bricks-and-mortar projects. “
This type of information suggests that stadiums relying on public funding may find things more difficult than originally thought. HTH.
chissitt wrote:
the imformation you have posted is I assume available to the public and that you are not just making it up to make people think you are in the know, if so could you furnish proof of what you are saying
“Sport England described its 33% cut in funding as "significant" and "tough", voicing particular concerns about the 40% reduction in capital funding - cash for bricks-and-mortar projects. “