chissitt wrote:
Jessie you should be the last one to criticise anyone's spelling, especially the way you feel every waking moment
that home brewed hooch you Clampetts drink up in those hills at marsden is seriously too strong for you dear.
Oh dear, is that all you can muster?
Poor boy. lets get back to the topic.....
If Wakefield crawl out of their decrepid ruin of a stadium it will be most welcome. ATM they are still lying behind Cas and Salford re a licence.
We will see if the money will be available to build the stadia. Wakey certainly claim all the money is there. However one of their most fervent 'supporters ' I_A who claim to be in the know posted that there may be some grant funding in the overall portfolio and there is money from wakefield college - how important and secure this money is will become apparent. If the building on greenbelt goes to an enquiey they are sunk, if not it is a very close call.