Re: Ferres Warnes Cas Fans : Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:40 am
TheTiger123 wrote:
ALL AWAY FANS STAND IN THE NORTH STAND AT WAKEFIELD EXCLUDING A FEW, can you not get that into your head???????!!!!!!
The point i was trying to make before you got all defensive was i think its a good idea to make the w/r end of the ground cas only fans like i think it would be a great idea to make north stand wakefield only. I always stand on the terrace behind the sticks have done for over 20years and will continue to do so. I'm meaning to get the atmosphere you get from having all the fans together in one area not to stop people standing where they want.
We are the only team who dont have their own really noisy section of the ground. it seems a lot of fans have gone north so it would make sense to give this area to wakefield fans, afterall it is their ground.