Fully wrote:
So I_A writes in a fashion that makes it sound factual although the only 'factual' element to it is that it's come from a 'credible source' with no concrete evidence supporting it.
Going to keep my powder dry but then people hear different things.
I have no question that Opus would have pulled out had talks with the Council not gone their way.The Council know that something will be built down there - Hicksons, The Jungle, Nestle and I think the Bus Depot are all going to get redeveloped. They are not going to have to pay a penny and any issues can be resolved.
Think I_A may have got some info and exaggerated it tenfold to try and make it worse than it is.Maybe I_A is a secret agent trying to undermine our licence bid?
The RW cheer-leading squad have arrived!
Sorry you think what you do Fully, I had more respect for you than this, but hey ho!
As for the comment about Opus then you clearly know nothing about developers, they don't get where they are by taking no for answer... you, like many others should READ my posts fully (like your name) before making such daft comments.. because they didn't actually get a no... they got a this is not what we had in mind and this could take time and money and still might not be suitable! RW was shocked, Opus, being in things for the long-hall (like their fellow developer - Yorkcourt) were relaxed, just like their proposed end user client they have in mind for the Superstore, yes I do know who it is now as well!
This will get through in the end, like I have also said, but it will take at least 18 months and the planners told Opus they think 3 to 5 years if at all. I have not exaggerated anything, but you can chose to not believe me, despite other very factual evidence I have posted about the planning application, which I do expect will be lodged at some point this year, but may not see the committee for months or years, while they get the details sorted and agreed.
Well, I disappearing for week, so knock yourselves out and the Ostrich pen is that way >