We can all keep saying our house is bigger than your house etc.... but the reality is that we both have from now until mar/apr 2011 when applications for the next batch of franchises are to be sent in to produce the goods......
The RFL have stated clearly that they will not accept if, whens and maybe's this time so both clubs need to have bricks laid or we both face the threat from clubs in the championship taking our spot........
Both camps can point to progress but lets be brutally honest here we both still have a long way to go and time is running out and running out fast......
So lets look at this as clearly as we can.... if both clubs continue to go down the DIY track the likelyhood is that neither club or at the very least one of the clubs will not get their respective stadia....i would not speculate which as I have no idea except to say i do believe neither club will manage to make it before the deadline.... this leads to the discussion of a shared stadia which I personally see as the fastest and most secure way to ensure both clubs survival in SL
The council would be behind it and jointly I think the two clubs could raise enough finance to get a stadium built in time..... the point however is simply this...could the two clubs put aside their differences in the next few months and get this thing really moving or will they both continue to believe that shangrila can be achieved singularly and end up in the wilderness for years and years, wakey fans will remember those years and would feel very agrieved to lose all the good work done whilst they have been in SL simply because they could not share a patch of grass on alternate weekends and similarly for me as a Cas fan I hated NL1 and would never want to experience those feelings of what happens to us if we dont win the GF and get promoted
The truth is I support Cas Tigers and if they play their games at Cas Panthers, Westgate, Barnsley or Edinburgh I would be there because I support my team so if I could guarantee that Cas would stay in Sl by playing in a stadium that my local neighbours played in every alternative week then who cares ....
The RFL have stated clearly that they will not accept if, whens and maybe's this time so both clubs need to have bricks laid or we both face the threat from clubs in the championship taking our spot........
Both camps can point to progress but lets be brutally honest here we both still have a long way to go and time is running out and running out fast......
So lets look at this as clearly as we can.... if both clubs continue to go down the DIY track the likelyhood is that neither club or at the very least one of the clubs will not get their respective stadia....i would not speculate which as I have no idea except to say i do believe neither club will manage to make it before the deadline.... this leads to the discussion of a shared stadia which I personally see as the fastest and most secure way to ensure both clubs survival in SL
The council would be behind it and jointly I think the two clubs could raise enough finance to get a stadium built in time..... the point however is simply this...could the two clubs put aside their differences in the next few months and get this thing really moving or will they both continue to believe that shangrila can be achieved singularly and end up in the wilderness for years and years, wakey fans will remember those years and would feel very agrieved to lose all the good work done whilst they have been in SL simply because they could not share a patch of grass on alternate weekends and similarly for me as a Cas fan I hated NL1 and would never want to experience those feelings of what happens to us if we dont win the GF and get promoted
The truth is I support Cas Tigers and if they play their games at Cas Panthers, Westgate, Barnsley or Edinburgh I would be there because I support my team so if I could guarantee that Cas would stay in Sl by playing in a stadium that my local neighbours played in every alternative week then who cares ....