Fully wrote:
Not sure it works like that.
When a company is created they have to set up a share capital and is incorporated with any number of shares with any value, in this instance 10p shares.
But ultimately in Ltd companies it is between buyer and seller as to come up with an appropriate price based on assets, etc. They don't always remain at 10p.
My understanding of this is just done from internet reading but a shareholder or some other boffin in this regard, feel free to correct me.
It's pretty much how I understand it, which is like you, barely!
The share value, values the business at what it is (almost worthless in this case). RW clearly values it at 400 times more than its market valuation.
Finding someone who values it the same is going to be difficult I would imagine.
Anyone who professes to love the club and is willing to step aside for "the good of the club" if someone is willing to buy them out on this premise is frankly taking the mick out of the club and the fans.
In reality he is hanging for all he can, we had a bloke a bit like that a couple of years back and he ended up with nowt!!