1.2b. Copyrighted materials * Linking to sites carrying content without the permission of the copyright owner, or mentioning how to access such material, is forbidden. * This also includes posting links to, or explaining how to access, unauthorized video or audio of copyrighted broadcasts and recordings.
1.2b. Copyrighted materials * Linking to sites carrying content without the permission of the copyright owner, or mentioning how to access such material, is forbidden. * This also includes posting links to, or explaining how to access, unauthorized video or audio of copyrighted broadcasts and recordings.
Our private messaging system is also covered by the AUP. tb
Someone is showing it, but i'm sure all those in the know will know where to go to anyway.
Just be careful what you post...
The AUP wrote:
1.2b. Copyrighted materials * Linking to sites carrying content without the permission of the copyright owner, or mentioning how to access such material, is forbidden. * This also includes posting links to, or explaining how to access, unauthorized video or audio of copyrighted broadcasts and recordings.
I aren't posting anything Bonzo mate, surely that is not against the rules just posting it is on somewhere ? Doesn't mean i or anyone else can watch it i'm just merely pointing to the fact it is on live in France...which is a pitty because i live in the UK
I aren't posting anything Bonzo mate, surely that is not against the rules just posting it is on somewhere ? Doesn't mean i or anyone else can watch it i'm just merely pointing to the fact it is on live in France...which is a pitty because i live in the UK
Just a gentle reminder...
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