: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:52 am
Bearded wrote:
This may just be me, but I'm not really for fan consultation. Okay if it's pretty much we don't want it all seater and leave it at that but to much involvement and you're liable to end up with a messy watered down stadium.
The architects should know what they are doing(you hope we'd employ ones with experience) and be able to provide a stadium up to a good standard.
Couldnt agree more. Seem to remember going to a parish council committee meeting a year or so back, to discuss proposed improvements to a local park. The meeting was open to members of the public as well as people representing certain groups and clubs ......... talk about crack pot suggestions and ideas.
Never dismiss how seemingly resonable people, given the right circumstances can come up with totally unreasonable suggestions. Design of stadia, should in my opion, be left to people who do it for a living.