I personally think developments such as Newmarket should get all they help they need from local authorities.
I know someone who's son works for the developers, and although there are plans in place, that's literally all there is at the moment. There has been no money put forward thus far - it's still only bluepronts.
If I were a wakefield fan I wouldn't be focussing my attentions on NM until I was walking through the turnstiles. And I'm sure any sane erson, rugby related or not, would admit that a development of this magnitude, with a delivery schedule of 3-5 years, is not set in stone.
Government funding cuts/inputs alter year on year, so to say Wakefield are guaranteed any money is slightly off the mark.
Besides, WTW cannot take the government to court should any funding of a scheme such as this be cut, for various reasons.
Like I said, I think the development will/would be fantastic for the district. But the only thing that is certain is that the developers have permission to make it happen, so I think it's that far away that any speculation at this moment is literally just that. Speculation.
The factors surrounding it are vast, and none of which are certain. So if it happens, it happens. Much can change for the better/worse