frank5613 wrote:
the problem with the Newmarket scheme is not the ground what might get built, its the massive amount of green belt land what will be lost, but what dose it matter, the waky fans are over the moon, all they have to do know is get full planning, what cost Cas a load of money, and wait for all the grass to be concreted over & sold, then will Mr, Glover be paying for the architects drawings, and the planing or will some one ells
You really ought to do more reading and less listening to people with an axe to grind.
1. Overall there will be a net gain in green belt in the district.
2. Any objection has had more than enough time to prove this claim as being a legitimate one.
3. It was never really green belt (in the sense it was scrub pit land only) in the first place.
Let it go, it's an argument that's been shot to bits.
Concentrate on making Castleford's future a bright and prosperous one.