Whilst our home-grown players obviously have a strong connection to the town, do our players from other areas or from overseas ever truly develop an affinity for the place?
I know every player wants to win but when I see comments on twitter talking about how gutted they are to have lost, yada yada, I can't help but think whether or not they really feel it the way we all feel it - we being the people who've been enduring our team for years and will be for many more after the current squad have moved on. Do our home grown players have a duty to breed the passion for Castleford in those who've come from outside who ultimately make our squad stronger?
We've seen far too many 'un-Cas-like' performances this season for my liking but many fans seem more passionate than ever and the players seem to really appreciate this. Maybe this solidarity will help to breed a bit more passion from the current squad and ultimately result in some of the local young players staying with us rather than being exported to other parts of the country.