PROGRESS - STADIUM : Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:36 pm
Its looking like another dissapointing season for us and In my opinion we should let Ian Millward GO. I do think we are steadily improving the squad but Ian seems to not have the full dressing room on his side, hence individual performances can be questioned.We need some PROGRESS some GO FORWARD as a club.
I have read a post regarding 'Merger'. NO WAY is that an option, both Castleford and Wakefield have identities - tradition and good supporters that care about thier team. Both clubs have the respect of the other SL teams (this is what our great game is built upon).
Back to PROGRESS and the next step for me would be for everyone to get round the table, build a stadium that both clubs could be proud of. This would make the RFL stand up and concede that BOTH clubs are making PROGRESS.
On field both Cas and Wakefield will always be a force. Rugby League Clubs need a strong'grass roots' developing youngsters. This opens up the other argument regarding expansion of the game! BUT back on topic, who can argue with the WMDC for a breeding ground for talent.
One other thing if WMDC loses either the Tigers or Widcats our kids certainly have no future at all. In this I mean both boys and girls. RL is the biggest individual source of excercise sport in the district 'and growing. GET ON THIS ARGUEMENT for a groundshare!!!!