Re: Would you buy into the club? : Wed May 16, 2012 10:02 am
I wouldn't buy in as a serious investment. If I was wealthy enough to not need a couple of mil, then maybe I would use it as a hobby, but by buying in to a Rugby League Club, you are essentailly going to try and run a charity to a large extent.At times I look at things and think that if people drove it hard like a business and were extremely aggressive, then it could work - but there are hugely more powerful, taltented and successful people than me have tried and lost, so maybe it is impossible.
A collective can work as being described - I think it would have to register as a charity or charitable foundation and then "donate" the cash to CTRLFC in order to be elligible spend under the cap - it is a twist on a squad builder so no reason why not to go for it. Could go one further and contact agents and the squad builder could essentially 'own' the player as a 3rd party - Carlos Tevez anyone?
Only thing I think you would find is that the commitement of £10 a month would have to be committed up front in a lump sum to get away from the debt recovery situation if people signed up and defaulted. The best bet would be to start a 2013 squad builder scheme now, probably in conjunction with Barnsley Building Society as they have a pathway already, so you generate some capital ahead of next season so you can start out strong maybe?
The bit about becoming the players own agent is a joke, although I am a bit tempted to try and negotiate a better deal, as I am arrogant enough to think I can do anything if I put my mind to it!