Wakefield district teams : Sun May 06, 2012 6:02 pm
I read this forum quite often as my partner supports Cas and as our local rivals it is sometimes interesting. The sad thing is I feel local rivalry is getting out of hand. Don't get me wrong I feel the trouble at the last Derby was mostly caused by our chairman. In his position of authority to create such tension and hostility going into the game was sheer madness.I think we need to face it both sets of fans were to blame lots of people who stood in the stand were looking for what they got. I stood to the right of the north stand as I knew it was going to kick off, just walking past the stand you could tell.
Both teams are in a similar position as I see it, both set of fans have been fed stories from the powers in charge and this is further creating friction. The small less desirable teams (In Red halls eyes) need to stand together especially from the Wakefield district. That includes Fev too, by the way I thought it was a bad tackle and I'm a big fan of Chase but sadly there is a nasty side to his game (But let leave that as it has been done to death).
I hope to see two or three strong Wakefield teams playing at the top level and wish Cas and all it's fans well. Please do not band all Wakefield fan together some of us like the old banter when it was a laugh and didn't lead to physical violence. Look at the England set up and how many players hail from the district and be proud of the area. Keep the teams separate with their own histories and traditions where you remember your greats and we remember ours.
But remember the big teams and the franchise system is what we need to battle against not each other as this is all starting to get beyond rivalry.