Inflatable_Armadillo wrote:
On reserved matters applications it is only 2 years not 3! You get 3 years form outline and full permission, but because you have had to get outline before reserved matters, which means you could have had outline for almost three years before submitting, it is reduced to 2!
However, once you 'start' work then there is no limit on planning and completing the work. So, what usually happens is work 'starts' because the term 'starts' is quite loose and laying a few drains and putting in some manholes, is a popular way of 'starting' without actually starting!!!
You can also pay to renew a planning application before it expires, meaning you pay the fee again, but get another 2 years!
Don't worry about it!
Planning Expires 8th April 2106
But I'm sure we will dig a few holes and put some concrete in before then!