The Video Ref wrote:
To digress slightly from the story and answer the original question 'what are we doing?' :-
We started out striving for equality, a worthwhile and noble cause. This agenda has now gone too far - everyone is poop scared of being accused of some sort of discrimination, so every incident of 'hate' crime [sic] is referred to the police or some sort of investigating authority. The upshot is that people from minorities are treated with kid gloves.
What more, some people from minority groups have cottoned on to this, and are more than happy to take advantage of their 'minority' status to get preferential treatment.
1. People aren't scared because of equal opportunities legislation. They are scared because they have not been kept fully informed, offered guidance, training etc.
2. There is no evidence I'm aware of supporting the claim that minorities are uniformly treated with kid gloves.
3. "Taking advantage" of
any system is nothing new. Why concentrate solely on minorities when corporate CEOs, bankers, tax dodgers all game the system?
4. Why not answer the real question here: have equal opportunities schemes gone some way toward achieving their goals?