We have no history of cultural diversity other then a high level of European ancestry, Scandinavian and Dutch names are very common in and around Hull. The city looks towards Europe perhaps more then any other it has always had links with immigrants, most passed through on there way to the USA. We have no employment opportunities for immigrants back in the 50s and 60s and thats why we do not have any. We do have large Polish contingent who have fitted in very well on the whole and have added to the food culture no end.
We have very little to none racial tension, like every large city we have our bigots but the national front/EDL have made little headway. The city has been a port for centuries and has welcomed many nationalities and faiths over that time. We should also remember that the anti slave movement was born with this city, William Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson so lets get away from using the racial card.
The city of Hull has the same problems as many in this land, however we do not have a gun problem and the use knives is rare. Its a safer place to live then some city's not too far away and one I am happy to live in.