Dally wrote:
Same as this country has done for the last 100 years or so - by produce from elsewhere. Do your oranges, bananas, lemons, come from the North? Next time you go to Tesco look to see where most of the stuff is grown - even stuff that can grow here comes from Holland, Israel, etc, etc. Not the most observant being are we?
Yeah I'm sure if they import everything all will go brilliantly.
I mean lettuce, cucumbers, most of the meat products they eat in the big smoke, tomatoes, carrots etc.
Like I said if the rest of the country pull their services to London in the same way as Boris is talking about pulling the money from the rest if the country the folks in London will bleat like buggery about how unfair it us that they are being picked on and are struggling to put food on their tables.
Only someone who is totally thick will struggle to understand this.
That is clearly where you come in!!!