Re: What now for the UK? : Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:31 pm
Brown kept us out of the Euro, when Blair wanted in - maybe he'll one day get a bit of retrospective credit for that!I've always been fairly pro-Euro as I reckon that by chance half the decisions made would benefit the part of the UK that is not the South East. And then they maybe wouldn't have to 'subsidise' us quite so much. Relying on the fiscal responsibility of the Italians is a hefty price though, I've come to realise.
I think the current stuff is overblown. The eurozone countries need to sort out the mess, a mess that Britain isn't directly involved in. Apart from being skint, in the medium term we need to focus on finding a better a balance between regulation and freedom in our regulated free market economy. Absolutely no prospect of it happening, like.