Rock God X wrote:
What did you mean by this, if it wasn't a reference to potential paedophilia?
I don't give advice to people how to bring up their kids, and I don't listen to anyone else either. I'm not telling you what to do with your kids - let's get that straight first.
It is a reference to a number of things, I wouldn't trust my mother in law for a number of reasons, my wife's sister dropped our daughter on her head when she was 12 months old and didn't give a $h!t - would Ilet her look after our kids - not a chance. I've seen people "do" things with their kids that I wouldn't allow mine to do many people think it's perfectly okay for a 5 year old to roam the streets, if they happen to be looking after mine then what if they then think it's okay for my 5 year old to roam the streets with theirs? What if they think it'sokay to smoke dope infornt of kids? A good friend of mine has a boy the same age as my son, I won't let him go to his house because his Dad (who is actually an okay bloke I've known for years) seems to think it's okay for his son to have an Xbox live account and play online 18 games (he's 9) with various unknown adults. He also has guns that they get out in the garden. Not for me thanks.
As for very young children, they completely rely on the adults they are with, I am responsible for my kids in ways that nobody else is and nobody else ever will be.
That answer your question?